Implementation of cloud delivery to industries

Implementation of cloud delivery to industries

The implementation of water supply to industries has become one of the basic issues of industry in countries due to the problem of water shortage.

Water distribution network or water transmission or water supply is a set of interconnected pipes that are used to transfer and distribute water in a set.

Different parts of a cloud system

Water source

Water transfer system

Water Treatment

Water tanks

Water distribution network


Types of water distribution network in terms of piping method

Branch water distribution network

Branch water distribution network is the simplest type of network to implement oversupply to industries They have a tree structure and the water flow in them always moves in one direction from the bigger branch (main pipe) to the smaller branch (sub pipe). The main problem of branch networks is that when a part of a pipe is damaged and broken, its downstream parts also suffer from problems and dehydration.

Implementation of cloud delivery to industries
Implementation of cloud delivery to industries

Circular water distribution network

The circular water distribution network consists of a main ring in the form of a belt and inner rings, where water is transferred from the main ring to the inner rings and then to the consumer. In these networks Implementation of cloud delivery to industries The flow of water in the pipes has been changed to the place of consumption and each area has the possibility of water supply from two or more sides. Ring networks do not have the disadvantages of branch networks, but the cost of their implementation is more.

Mixed water distribution network

Due to the fact that it will be very expensive to connect the industries in the form of a ring network, in fact, in the piping networks of the cities, they use a combination of two branch and ring methods.

Types of water distribution network in terms of pressure supply system

Gravitational network of the first type
Gravitational network of the second type
Composite gravity network
Pumpinggravity network
Direct pumping network
Direct pumping network with air tank control

First type, second type and composite gravity water distribution network

If the desired area is small and there is a sufficient height difference, the pressure of the entire area is provided by one or more tanks with the same height.
If the changes in height and the size of the area are not small, the use of one or more tanks with the same height is not possible, and in this situation, the area connected to the water distribution network should be classified into different pressure sections by establishing a pressure reduction system (mechanical or tank). did

Implementation of cloud delivery to industries

In areas that are limited to natural heights from several sides, in addition to the main tank, a series of other tanks are installed at lower altitudes. In this way, during the peak consumption times, all the tanks are connected to the water distribution network and are in the operation circuit, but in the times of less consumption, only some tanks are in the circuit and to prevent the water from overflowing in the downstream tanks. A series of flow control valves are used at the entrance of these tanks.

Pumping water distribution network gravity

If the water supply location is located downstream and the distribution network is located upstream, water must be pumped to the distribution network. The pumped water enters the storage tanks at times of less consumption, and at times of peak consumption, the pumping station and the storage tank jointly supply water to the water distribution network.

Direct pumping water distribution network

If the difference in height required for the implementation of cloud delivery to industries If it is not available in the scope of the plan, then water distribution is done by direct water pumping to the water distribution network or water supply network. The use of this method has various problems due to pressure fluctuations at different hours of use, and generally, this method is used in smaller areas with special conditions.

Direct pumping water distribution network controlled by air tank

In order to solve the problems of the direct pumping system, tanks are usually used between the point of consumption and the pumping station, and these tanks are responsible for controlling the pressure of the pumps in the water distribution network.

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