Why do we use a cooling tower??

Why do we use a cooling tower??

Maybe the question arises why we use cooling towers. As we know, most industrial and non-industrial equipment heat up after a while in their work cycle. A small percentage of these machines or equipment dissipates the heat generated by the ambient air. Most of these equipments also use circulating water to dispose of their excess heat. The water that has absorbed the heat of these machines will increase in temperature and will be directed to the heat exchangers. On the other hand, the cold water produced from the cooling tower in the converter completely removes this heat energy.

What is a cooling tower or cooling tower?

In a short sentence, the cooling tower should be considered as the source of producing cool water needed in every industry. The cold water produced by this refrigeration source again absorbs the excess energy of the equipment and transfers it to the air. This exchange process is a repetitive cycle that keeps the working temperature of industrial machinery constantly constant. This cooling and refrigeration device can take the heat of chillers, boilers or induction furnaces by constantly providing cold water. Constantly reducing the temperature of machines and absorbing their heat is a big concern in ensuring the stability of the system.